Zambia Seed Company Limited (Zamseed) has been servicing the requirements of farmers in the sub-Sahara region since 1980. We focus on products that will enhance the profitability of the small-scale farmer and ensure food security for the household. Forty years of experience combined with focused research and development plus an intimate knowledge of our customers’ requirements has enabled us to develop products specifically designed for this market segment.
Our significant product portfolio ranging from Cereals, Legumes to Vegetable seeds enables us to offer our farmer certified high yielding alternatives to monoculture maize production. Thus, encouraging crop rotation which is vital for sustainable crop production and for food security for future generations.
This extensive product range combined with strict quality control measures in place during production in the field, processing of our certified seed and backed by our in-house laboratory ensures that the client can maximise their yields and lower the risk factors associated with climate change.