

Zamseed Boosted My Farming Business – Joseph Kangwa, 59 – Farmer

“The day I was introduced to ZMS 720 was the turning point in my farming business!” Mr Joseph Kangwa proudly exclaimed. The 59-year-old farmer of Mpika in Muchinga Province is just one of many farmers in Zambia whose farming business was boosted after being introduced to Zamseed products. 

Mr Kangwa is a professional mechanic and electrician who ventured into farming back when it was popularly known as peasant farming in Zambia. He chose to farm because he believes “you can never go wrong in farming.” Four years ago, Mr Kangwa was working in his agro-dealer shop in Mpika when he was approached by a Zamseed representative. Upon encouragement from the representative to become an agent for Zamseed, Mr. kangwa attended a Zamseed workshop in Chisamba at Gart. That was where he was first introduced to the ZMS 720.

“I thought it was for white farmers only and could not be accessed in my area,” he recalls. “I soon learned that it was possible to grow such quality crops in Muchinga.” After that fateful workshop, Mr Kangwa became a Zamseed agent, selling Zamseed products to other farmers in his area and surrounding regions. He planted his first five hectors of ZMS 720, and later added ZMS 638 and ZMS 606 to his yield. That was the turning point his business desperately needed and he has never looked back. “The yield was wonderful,” he said briskly. “It was just as they promised during the workshop. Those other products could not give me the kind of yield I got from using ZMS 720.”

Since then, Mr Kangwa has extended his list of varieties to include; ZMS 702, ZMS 638, ZMS 606, and ZMS 301. He has observed from experience that these varieties are high yielders. Working as a Zamseed agent has allowed him to introduce other farmers to Zamseed products. His farm has been used by Zamseed for demo purposes during field days every year and “it has been all smiles for the farmers since then because seeing is believing.”

From the time he started using Zamseed, Mr Kangwa said that he has “increased the volume of my sales and my business is booming.” Indeed, he has been able to build 2 shops, he has increased his hectarage from 5 to 15, purchased a motorbike, a hammermill, a sheller, and he’s also been able to send his children to school. Two of them have graduated from college already, two are presently in college, and the rest are still obtaining their basic education. He encourages other farmers to use Zamseed as well because it has tremendously helped transform his life.

“Zamseed has boosted my farming business and helped transform my life in many ways.” Joseph Kangwa, Farmer – Mpika, Muchinga Province. 

Zamseed Is Different – Jeff Sishebo, 60 – Farmer

Sixty-year-old Jeff Sishebo of Kasokota area in Mkushi has been a farmer since 1983.  He was first introduced to Zamseed when he worked in the Cooperatives during the Kaunda era. Somewhere along the way, he decided to try seed varieties from other companies but his return to Zamseed was anticipated. “Zamseed has high yields compared to other varieties,” he explained. “I was able to harvest 120 hectares of Zamseed but only around 70 to 80 hectares from other products.”

Mr Sishebo is confident about the potential that farmers can reap from investing in Zamseed. ZMS638 is his favourite Zamseed variety because “the maize stalks are vibrant, healthy, big, and they don’t fall no matter the wind. I also like that the seed has weight,” he intoned.

Despite venturing into farming for sustainability purposes, Mr Sishebo admits that the benefits he has enjoyed from using Zamseed have been “overwhelming.” He has been able to put up a borehole at his home to aid in a steady supply of water. He has also built 2 chalets for visitors and engaged in many other developmental projects that have enhanced his way of life and that of his family. 

“I would encourage Zamseed to continue giving farmers in communities across Zambia micro-packs to be used in demo gardens for field days,” he said. “This will allow more farmers to see how different Zamseed is and encourage them to also start using it.” 

I was able to harvest 120 bags x 50kg per hactre of ZMS 638 but only around 70 to 80 bags x 50kg from other  seed companies.” Jeff Sishebo, Farmer – Mkushi


“I use Zamseed because it has great yield than any other product out there. Since I started using Zamseed, I’ve been able to send my children to school, I’ve bought cattle, I’ve also bought a mechanized tractor and a tractor implement. I encourage other farmers to use Zamseed as well because you can’t go wrong with it.”  Morgan Manchishi – 52, Farmer – Chongwe.

“As a maize farmer, I have benefited a lot from using Zamseed. I started using Zamseed in 2010. I use different varieties of Zamseed products such as ZMS 638, 620, and 520 because they are all beneficial to my farming business. All of them have a high yield. ZMS 638 is medium maturing, and ZMS 520 is early maturing. I can use whichever one I want depending on my needs at the time. These seeds also work well in changing climates and are resistant to attacks from armyworms.” Douglas Munyansu – 42, Farmer – Kazungula. 
